lunedì 30 ottobre 2017
My personal hero

venerdì 3 marzo 2017
Thailand is the fifty-first State for extensions,almost like Spain. The northernthailand is mountainous and there is the Doi Inthanon, the hightest relef in the region. Thailand share her border to the north and to the west with Myanmar, to the North-East with Laos, to the South with Cambogia. The climate is different depending on where we are. For example, in the central Thailand,settentrional and oriental cold season started from October to January and hoot season started from febraury to April. In the meridional area cold season is too short. Population is mainly rural, so a lot of people live in the countryside. In Thailand there are 66 millions of inhabitants. The main city of Thailand are Bangkok, Nonthaburi and chicago Mai.Thailand is a military dictatorship. Mainly hhe 70% of Thailand population is composed by farmers In fact, Thailand is the first place on the world for export of tapioca and at the second for rubber and rice.
mercoledì 15 febbraio 2017
Valentino Rossi

My favorite sports person is Valentino Rossi. He is the most famous motorcyclist in the world. He won nine world titles (5 won between the 2001 and 2005). Valentino Rossi is the only pilot in the story of MotoGP to have won the World Cup in four different classes: 125 (1); 250; 500(1); MotoGP (6). He is also the proprietary of Sky Racing team. I have following him since I was 8 years old and i like this sport. The 46 is always been his number in his career. He was the protagonist of two comic books dedicated to him. Ilike him because my father is always been a fan of motorcyling mostly Valentino Rossi and he influenzed me.
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